Formerly PROFESSOR & head of the department of biophysics at the University of Delhi, Dr Ghosh has several albums to his credit - of Hindustani classical, ghazals, and popular folk and protest songs. He has performed before live and television audiences on numerous occasions – in Germany, Austria, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, the UK, the USA, and, of course, all over India- and has also directed music for several short films and documentaries.


Ḵẖayāls, tarānās, ṭhumrīs

logo_black imageRaga Bhairav

logo_black imageRaga Bhairavi

logo_black imageRaga Kirwani

logo_black imageRaga Shuddh Sarang

logo_black imageMalkauns

Ġazals, dohās, bhajans, experimental music

logo_black imageHam Mahnat kash - Faiz

logo_black imageWhile My Guitar Gently Weeps

logo_black imageRotian - Nazir Akbarabadi Rotian

logo_black imageSubah Kabhi to Ayegi

logo_black imageKabir Doha



Formerly head of the department of Biophysics at the University of Delhi, Dr Ghosh has several albums to his credit - of Hindustani classical, ghazals, and popular folk and protest songs. He has performed before live and television audiences on numerous occasions – in Germany, Austria, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, the UK, the USA, and, of course, all over India- and has also directed music for several short films and documentaries.

-The Indian Express, 30th March 2003


If I were born with a silver spoon in my mouth like Tagore, I would only paint and sing. I wouldn’t pursue studies.” …A disciple of Ustad Hafiz Khan, having been under his tutelage for the past 20 years, Dr Ghosh has given concerts in classical music all over the country and abroad. …Unlike others, he has taken his art beyond just performance. …Incorporating values needed to be instilled in the young, he mixes many art forms like music, dance, and theatre, to impart valuable messages.

-Times of India, 28th November 2009


Ghosh, who spearheads the cultural organisation ‘Pratidhwani’, has planned his annual programme this year around the theme of spring, and has selected a number of compositions of Amir Khusrao, popular for his poetry that contains the heights of Sufism as well as the colours of human nature… He is emphasising the secular traditions associated with the season of celebrating the coming of mellow weather after the harshness of winter.

-The Hindu, 24th January 2015



Dr Ghosh is at present taking assignments for individual and group performances, masterclasses and discourses on Indian music, and composition-work for short/independent/art/commercial films.

listen to more music on my youtube channel:
Prof. Subhendu Ghosh
